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It’s a year since life as I knew it pretty much fell apart. At first I thought a week would fix it, then perhaps a month, maybe three months tops. Each continuation seemed quite liter... Read More
I’ve been on a career break. I am not sure if there is ever a right time to do it or a time not to do it, but as it turned out for us, circumstances conspired to make the decision a little easi... Read More
I have got 15 Fridays left with my son before he starts school in September.  That doesn’t feel very many.  It doesn’t feel enough. Since returning to work when he was arou... Read More
It’s been 5 weeks since I have been sat at a desk and logged onto my work laptop. I am impressed I can even remember the password and avoid the ignominy of explaining why I forgot it without bl... Read More
A few weeks ago, a friend bought me a book to help me navigate the challenge that having a three-legged dog has brought to our family. And rather than just provide practical advice to support the dog... Read More
Over recent weeks our 9 year old daughter’s excitement has grown as she prepared for her first sleepover at a friend's house.  There was much talk about what they were going to do... Read More
I’m wondering if the biggest challenge of working parenting is feeling like everyone one else is better at it than you are. We could all do with cheering up right now, so I have assembled some ... Read More
Hands up who has bought a shiny new thing, only for the whole unwrapping experience to be tainted by the unnecessarily sticky label that reaffirms to you that you got a great deal, but simultaneously... Read More
As I write this, news has broken of the lifting of the most recent Covid restrictions. Gleeful WhatsApp messages from fellow parents -  “No more masks at school!” - and clients - &ld... Read More
I lived in London for 20 years, since I was 18 (the last 12 years in Balham/Streatham Hill) and moved back to my childhood town in East Herts 2 years ago. The process of deciding to sell up and ... Read More
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