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[Monday morning. Two colleagues start a video call] Hello! Happy Monday! Hi! Yes, you too! How was your weekend? Get up to…anything? [They exchan... Read More
Last year I had a rough year, which is a probably a massive understatement as we have all had a rough 2020! But on top of all the challenges that Covid threw at us, I lost part of my bowel, my job&nb... Read More
The time we were all waiting for is finally here. Schools are re-opening and we will have some of the much awaited freedom and peace. This second lockdown has been so much harder than the first ... Read More
A year ago, our beautiful Poppy cat had to be put to sleep. She was my baby before I had babies. Everybody in my circle, from colleagues, to family and friends, was invested in her, having been treat... Read More
This week my employer sent out a fairly lengthy questionnaire to everyone in the firm to ask us about how we thought we might want to work once the pandemic restrictions are no longer in place. It&rs... Read More
As we settle into Lockdown 3, we’re all feeling a bit blue in my house. My sleep is all over the place, and if something threatens to shift the delicate house of cards routine I’ve b... Read More
There’s been a theme in recent blogs that it is important to find time for oneself. This seems counter-intuitive, because the world has shut down and turned into an introverts’ paradise a... Read More
It is really exciting to be writing my first blog for WorkLife Central.  When I received the rota list, and found out I was to write my first blog in December, it felt that perfect opportunity t... Read More
There was a period just after my second maternity leave when I was going through a redundancy process. While many people suggested redundancy from my job based in the City might be a good thing becau... Read More
Son and daughter – 13 and 14 respectively – went back to school on 4 September, after six months of absence. It was the first day of school, but felt more like the first step in a new wor... Read More
I wrote my last blog for WorkLife Central back in April at the start of lockdown. At the time I wrote about how I had decided I would embrace lockdown and how I planned to stick to a routine. Reading... Read More
I’ve been mulling over what to write in this blog for over a week now. Do you want to hear about where I am in my cancer journey (or my brother and mums)? Do we want more Coronavirus/lockdown s... Read More
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