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I’ve been a line manager for several years and have been managed by an array of people over the years too with varying degrees of success. I thought I would share some of the lessons I’ve... Read More
I was recently successful in securing a secondment with a small but impactful organisation, to build and lead its net zero programme of work. I have now started my new role, and I am in the “ho... Read More
I've spent the last few months in crisis mode at work, gradually becoming more and more worn down as we try to get to grips with the situation.  I have not been enjoying it and in a momentar... Read More
Have you ever watched a toddler trying to do a puzzle? I love the mix of concentration and confusion on their little face as they just try to jam the shapes into any of the holes in the puzzle b... Read More
After I had my two children, I seriously considered changing my career. I wanted to pursue my professional interest in psychology. However, it wasn’t straightforward decision. I had a good job ... Read More
I have been through many many corporate training days, diversity training days, women in business seminars and management training courses in my career and so feel qualified to create a tick list of ... Read More
Ten months after coming back from maternity leave I now find myself in job number three. Given that I am not a contractor this has been quite a high number of new starts in under a year! To clar... Read More
Remember my first blog for the year where I said I was aiming to relaunch my career in 2020 as I had felt stuck for a while especially since having my kids? Well, that definitely isn’t going to... Read More
Taking a reflection on my career over the last 12 years has been a mixture of opportunities, meeting preparation, success, taking risks, going with the flow, disappointments, frustrations and al... Read More
For a number of reasons, it became apparent last year that I wasn’t going to progress in my then-current role.  When I had originally applied for the position my employer had been sceptica... Read More
Flexible working conditions while maintaining career trajectory – we talk about it all time and it can often seem like the Holy Grail – a tricky quest that I for one have often wondered d... Read More

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