Our Blog

Since our origins in late 2012, we've published a weekly blog sharing the real life experiences and perspectives of individual members on their work life, home and wellbeing. 

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I had a quick read of my last blog prior to writing this, as I do before I write my next. I am glad to say my ankle injury has now healed and I can actually run over 5km. I wouldn’t yet say thi... Read More
I was recently successful in securing a secondment with a small but impactful organisation, to build and lead its net zero programme of work. I have now started my new role, and I am in the “ho... Read More
I've spent the last few months in crisis mode at work, gradually becoming more and more worn down as we try to get to grips with the situation.  I have not been enjoying it and in a momentar... Read More
I think we need to remove the word enough from common use. Am I good enough? Have I slept enough? Was that calm enough? Does that campaign have enough impact? Did I feed the ... Read More
A recent prompt from senior management to make sure we are keeping up with training and development hours found me on a relatively quiet afternoon scrolling through our library of online courses in a... Read More
Have you ever watched a toddler trying to do a puzzle? I love the mix of concentration and confusion on their little face as they just try to jam the shapes into any of the holes in the puzzle b... Read More
The first quarter of 2024 has truly flashed before my eyes. My mum always says this is a good thing; it means you enjoy what you do. It has been a particularly busy period for my team at work, and th... Read More
There’s nothing like driving behind an ambulance containing one’s parents to get in the mood for Easter.  At least we’ve moved closer, so when the call came to say Dad had coll... Read More
We moved into our terraced house as a recently married couple. For a long time the sound of our feet on the floorboards echoed against the bare walls of sparsely furnished rooms.  14 years,... Read More
Recently, I’ve been in a conflicted headspace about a rather important personal issue. It got to the point where it had been in my head for too long and I need to get it out, but I was still no... Read More
As a young girl growing up in Africa, my parents always encouraged laughter in our communication. Often, as we shared meals around the table, it was typical for either my mother or father to tell a h... Read More
The last blog I wrote was about the summer holidays ( link ) and I am writing this in early December with chocolate advent calendars already started. I am sure that like many of you juggling wor... Read More
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