
Welcome to our Library - a rich bank of online content updated weekly. Browse our collection of Expert Articles, listen to our podcast series discussing views and perspectives from both experts and those with lived experience, and our popular blog series where members share their experiences of balancing work and home.


Sioux's blog: Academia vs The School of Life

I am not well educated. I have a few GCSEs to my name, never did A-levels and my lack of unive...

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Sheila's blog: An Average Day at the Office

The older I’ve become and the more this disease progresses, the more I realise that ever...

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Dolly's blog: Help The Aged

There’s nothing like driving behind an ambulance containing one’s parents to get i...

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Expert Articles

The Importance of the Easter Egg Hunt and Coping w...

This is such an exciting time of year. The seasons start to change, clocks spring forward and ...

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Ruban's blog: New Tears Resolution

Hello and Happy New Year to you all!!! This is my first blog entry this year so I feel like it...

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Barbara's blog: You Were Born an Original

I started this year feeling like I needed a mindset reboot, after coming out of a challenging ...

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Linda's blog: The Big Clear Out

We moved into our terraced house as a recently married couple. For a long time the sound of ou...

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Expert Articles

How Being A Parent (Of An Autistic Child) Has Help...

I have always considered myself a ‘good person’ with lots of empathy and great lis...

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Expert Articles

Five Stress Busting Tips

Stress is the health epidemic of the 21st Century (WHO) and, the top illnesses projected 20 ye...

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Anushka's blog: The Pros of Social Media for Kids…

…are none you may say? I may have triggered a knee-jerk response into how childhoods we...

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Devinder's blog: Time Doesn’t Heal

They say that time heals and I’ve believed this for years…until recently.  ...

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Expert Articles

Tips for Great Coaching Conversations for Managers

In the fast-paced, dynamic atmosphere of the modern workplace, coaching conversations have bec...

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Jill's blog: Yes People

Recently, I’ve been in a conflicted headspace about a rather important personal issue. I...

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Expert Articles

Networking Tips for Introverts Who Don’t Enjoy It

Industry specific conferences and festivals, award ceremonies, end of year celebrations and ev...

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Expert Articles

Before You Lead Others, Lead Yourself: The Importa...

“Exceptional leaders distinguish themselves because of superior self-leadership.” ...

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Lee's blog: Seventh Heaven

My eldest daughter turns seven this month and I can’t lie its making me feel many things...

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Rachel's blog: My Journey into High Performance

And just like that… …It’s another January and a new year spans out in...

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Sarah's blog: Laughter

As a young girl growing up in Africa, my parents always encouraged laughter in our communicati...

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Expert Articles

Looking After Parent Mental Health

On Saturday 27th January parents nationwide came together to look at their family’s...

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Eliza's blog: Life After University: Navigating th...

For me, 2023 has been a year of change. From starting my career, moving out of my family home,...

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Sioux's blog: The Mum Guilt is Real

I recently returned to work after 10 months’ of maternity leave and I’ll be honest...

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Expert Articles

Young Adults with Additional Needs: How a Life Pla...

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, ‘My life has drifted; it’s not ...

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Sheila's blog: To Reveal or Not to Reveal?

I have MS, it doesn’t have me. I am a full time cityworker, wife and mother of two daugh...

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Expert Articles

Gratitude: The Superpower That Turns Frowns Upside...

Let's face it, life can be tough and thinking positively can be a real challenge. We all h...

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