
Welcome to our Library - a rich bank of online content updated weekly. Browse our collection of Expert Articles, listen to our podcast series discussing views and perspectives from both experts and those with lived experience, and our popular blog series where members share their experiences of balancing work and home.


Anthony's Blog: Does this sound familiar?

Does this sound familiar to any of you? It's half term this week. My squeakers are 9 and 1...

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Jennifer's Blog: Thriving

"It started off as just another busy day in the office - so busy that I missed my schedul...

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Citydad: Making it Happen

When my wife asked me if I wanted to split her maternity leave as additional paternity leave, ...

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Esther's blog: Making a Stand

"In my last blog I asked 'When will men openly acknowledge school sports days, paren...

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Keily's Blog: Mini eggs and Glue

Last Monday I returned from my first overseas business trip since my daughter was born, feelin...

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Tom's Blog: Guilty, or guilt-free?

Is it me or do we sometimes give ourselves too much of a hard time as Dads? During a talk at s...

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Ellen's Blog: Let's talk about Culture

“Let’s talk about ‘Culture’ - set at the top, but decided in the middl...

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Natalie's Blog: The next generation

“Looking back at my last blog it struck me that I was maybe a bit frustrated when I wrot...

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Louisa's Blog: Pushing for Cultural Change

Yesterday I received an approach from a features journalist at the Financial Times asking me i...

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Dolly's Blog: Will someone hide my Blackberry?

"To check or not to check? That is the question. I'm talking of course about the Blac...

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Esther's Blog: Buses and breastmilk

“In my last blog I promised to address expressing milk in the workplace and enabling men...

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Jennifer's Blog: Playground wars

“Let’s put aside challenges in the workplace as a working mother for a moment, I a...

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Keily's Blog: Not Guilty

"I have a confession to make; I do not suffer from any feelings of guilt associated with ...

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Claire's blog

The title "Citymother" is now only half true in its application to today's blogg...

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Ellen's blog

Like most working mothers, I spend a disproportionate amount of time and energy worrying. The ...

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Natalie's blog

'So I'm 8 weeks into my new role working full time in the City.  Having spent the...

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Louisa's blog

Two weeks into the return to work after maternity leave and its been a mixed start. The first ...

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Esther's blog

I wonder how many mother and daughter pairs there are in Citymothers, like myself and my daugh...

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Jennifer's blog

New Year’s resolutions – you may have been thinking of this tired old repetitive t...

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Keily's blog

"Prior to becoming pregnant in 2012 the only career track on my mind was the partnership ...

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Dolly's blog

I’ve been thinking a lot about part-time working – my own arrangements and those o...

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Claire's blog

' "You don't spend enough time with your children!" said my mother during a ...

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Ellen's blog

I thought I’d start with a topic close to my heart - Women on Boards. To be clear, that&...

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Natalie's blog

'The mummy hat and the woman in business hat. Two hats, one head. Sometimes I opt for one ...

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